We Have the solutions
What Are Neutral Cleaners?
You have probably heard about pH neutral cleaners before, but what are they really and how are they used?
Consumer Cleaning Products
Interested in the safety and environmental advantages of neutral cleaners for your home? NEU Homecare may be for you.
Plugbuster® System for Unplugging Urinals
Plugbuster® System treatment designed to return slow flowing or plugged urinals back to normal flow. Performs like a “liquid snake”
Distributor and Rep Opportunities
Distribution and manufacturer representative opportunities and territories are available. Interested in selling neutral cleaners?
Since 1993, Environmentally Sensitive Solutions, Inc. has developed and produced safer and more environmentally friendly cleaning products for industrial, commercial and consumer applications. ESS was founded by an experienced cleaning formulation chemist with a simple goal: to replace existing hazardous cleaning products with safer, more environmentally friendly options. Back in 1993 when no one new what “green” cleaners were, ESS was replacing hazardous, corrosive alkaline cleaners used in process parts washing. No one really cared how safe and environmentally friendly they were if they did not adequately clean parts at a competitive price. If process parts could not be painted or plated or boxed because they were not clean enough, it did not matter how environmentally friendly the cleaner was!
Custom formulations
We have made cutting edge custum formulas since 1993
Industrial Cleaning Products
Neutral cleaning options for metal parts, dunnage, floors and equipment. Products are available in 40 lb pail, 450 lb drum, and 2300 lb tote quantities.
Janitorial Products
Full line of urinal and janitorial cleaning products designed specifically for low flow flush urinals, it could also be used in regular flush urinals as well.
Private Label
ESS welcomes private label on virtually ESS products. Leverage the power of our proven formulations with your established distribution system
Our Products

Industrial Cleaning

Urinal and Janitorial

Super Concentrates